About The Chixs

Thanks for joining me! You’ve landed on Linda Kissam’s food, wine, and travel blog.

I am a freelance writer. I have over 15  years in the wine business, both as a writer and a wine publicist. Informative, engaging, swirly and fun…aptly describes me. I travel both domestically and internationally to immerse myself in wine, food and destination experiences.

This blog along with my culinary and travel columns and as a monthly contributor on Big Blend Radio and TV which reaches over 3+ million people, means I am an active and productive influencer.

To see all of the articles I have published please go to www.AllInGoodTaste.info.


Member of the Les Dames d’Escoffier International, Phoenix Chapter

President of The International Food Wine and Travel Writers Association, 2015-2020

IFWTWA is a premiere association for professional writers, photographers, radio hosts and bloggers actively engaged in the food wine and travel genre.

Visit www.ifwtwa for additional info.

Creative Director and CEO of the Wine Review Council

The Wine Review Council meets most months to review wines from local, national and international sources.

Vendors provide samples or the Council travels by invitation to wine shops, restaurants and other wine related venues to sample and discuss wine.

Although the Wine Review Council #WRC has 12 professional wine writers as members, only 6-8 meet at any particular meeting. Each attending member produces their own article and social media outreach.

Golden Foodie Awards Advisory Guild Member. The Golden Foodies were created to honor extraordinary culinary talent. The event harnesses the collective power of the entire Orange County, CA community with a peoples choice vote to recognize local excellence and celebrate with an incredible red carpet gala.

This event embodies the spirit of food and community in a way that has never been done. Food lovers around the county vote during the month of August with winners announced at The Golden Foodie Awards Gala.

Please enjoy browsing my Website…and if you’d like me  to review your winery, wines, wine store, wine dinners, restaurant or event, just drop me an email.

Guest Posts
I do accept guest posts.  Original, previously unpublished articles must be less than 1000 words, and include a minimum of two photos. There is no compensation, just great exposure.

Contact Linda Kissam here:  

Disclosure & Advertisements

My posts and articles are positive. When negativity is encounter through products, books, restaurants, hotels, etc., I do not write about those experiences.

I take part in many media trips locally, nationally and internationally.   I write about what I like and strive to be objective in my evaluations, which reflects in my feature articles.

On another note, I do pay for some trips, dinners, products, wine, etc. that I feature. I simply enjoy writing about what I’ve experienced.

For wine, product and cookbook  reviews please contact me at the email above.

Catch me on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and LinkedIn @lindakissam


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